Biography of sundar pichai ceo of google

 Inspiring story of success of sundar pichai



Biography of sundar pichai
Biography of sundar pichai

Today we are going to read an inspiring and motivational story of a man who made his dream come true with his efforts, hard work and the passion which he followed and become a role model for the youth of all around the world. In this article it is discussed his starting journey from his college to the journey to achieve the post of CEO of Google and became the first CEO of google from India, sundar pichai.  

Contents covered in this post:-

Introduction of sundar pichai

Schooling and education of sundar pichai

Careers of sundar pichai


The real name of sundar pichai is sundar rajan pichai. He was born in 12 July 1972 in small village of tamil nadu. His father name was raghunath pichai and mother name was laxmi.He is hindu by the religion. He is married to Anjali pichali and is also a chemical engineer by profession. As per 2020 his age is 48 years old.


They have two childrens one son and one daughter. His son name is kiran pichai and daughter name is kavya pichai. Sundar pichai has one brother who is younger than him and his name is srinivasan pichai. 

Schooling and education:-
His father was an electrical engineer and sundar pichai was inspired from his father in the field of technology. He studied his 10th class in jawahar school and he studied his 12th from wana wadi where he topped his school in 10th and 12th.

He than pursued his engineering career in iit kharagpur where he was awarded with rajat padak. He then pursued his mba from Wharton school, university of pennsylvania. 

Talking briefly about his educational qualification we can say that he is highly qualified as he has done his master degree in material science and engineering from stanford university, United states and again he has done master in business administration from the university of Pennsylvania. 


He started working in google from 2004.He started with small team and worked in google search toolbar and then he got an idea to make his own internet browser.

 In 2008 with the assistance of sundar pichai google invented chrome and this was the turning point in sundar pichai career. 

Pichai is third CEO of google and first CEO of google is larry page and second CEO of google is Eric Schmidt. 


Finally, in 10 August 2015,he became the CEO of google and inspired many lives to achieve their dreams by working hard and not letting their dreams fade away and not losing their hopes to realize their dream like sundar pichai did. He struggled and  exerting and eventually fulfilled his dream of being CEO of google. 

Hope you all got inspired and motivated going through this post as I did while writing the post. Your queries and suggestions are welcomed in my blog. 

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) :-


Is sundar pichai a billionaire? 

Ans:- yes sundar pichai is a billionaire. 


What is the age of google CEO sundar pichai? 

Ans:- As per the year 2020,the age of sundar pichai is 48 years old. 


When did sundar pichai became the CEO of Google? 

Ans:-sundar pichai became the CEO of Google in 10 August, 2015.


Who was the first CEO of Google? 

Ans:- Larry Page was the first CEO of Google. 

MUST READ:Biography of Binod chaudhary the only nepali billionaire listed in forbes list

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