Krita animation tutorial from beginners to pro level



Krita Animation

Krita animation tutorial for beginners in this post we will learn how to create animated videos using the krita software

Getting Started

1. Download Krita 2. Download MAXDB by Luca Brecel 3. Download TweenMax 4. Install Krita 5. Open your Preferences to edit the default brush properties 6.

The Animation Process

Step 1 Make sure your images and project files are created in the desired size I suggest to create images smaller than 320*320 because Krita is an open source program and not supported by any kind of payment scheme. You can use it free of cost as you like! Create them in a PNG file Step 2 Select an empty canvas or fill the canvas with the desired image. Step 3 You can open all of your images in one big canvas (it’s not the right way but i am using it because i have many images which i need to adjust). Step 4 Now take a complete sheet of 60*60 pixels (which is the left side of the panel in Krita). I like to keep all of my illustration layers separate but for now i will keep them together. Step 5 Make sure your orientation is to copy f

The Animation Timeline

Our animation will be a simple linear time lapse with 24 frames per second. The time period to show everything is from night to day. Each frame is made up of three concentric circles, just like a single circle in the sky. A bit of physics explaination – the edge of each circle gets longer and shorter depending on the time it takes the circle to go over the other circle. In 24 frames per second we have 24 durations to show, one each second. In order to show 24 durations, we need to divide the frame count by 24. This is where the animation timeline comes into play. Each layer is not shown and thus the animated frame is displayed. It will be shown and animated at 24 frames per second. Go to the Krita toolkit, navigate to File -> New -> Video Capture, or press Ctrl-F1.

Creating a Frame

Animation for beginners usually involves several frames. Let’s start by creating a frame. This will be the outline frame of our animation. Create a new work, select “Use Brush Tool – Soft brush”. We will use Linear gradients for creating an outline shape. Apply the linear gradient to fill the frame and set theGradientFunction for blending in. You can see that I used a nice color for the transparent area as the background for my outline. Here we can see the effect of adding some color to our selection. You can try other Gradient colors, or if you want to use linear color with a gradient function, use a Hue, Saturation, and Lightness gradient for the color. And now, we need to add the gradients to a color layer and give them a Color Temp option to change the color.

Creating a Frame Sequence

In order to animate our animated video we will need to animate a frame. So, first we need to setup our frames. In order to animate your krita video you will need to setup an animation time with the frames we want to animate. This is called the frame. So in order to create our animation frame we need to create a Frame Sequence. A frame sequence is a sequence of animation frames where each frame is a unit of time or we could say each frame is a frame within a animation frame. After you create your animation sequence, you need to know how to animate frames. In order to animate a frame, you will need to have an animation keyframe with every animation frame. In order to animate a frame, you will need to have an animation keyframe with every animation frame.


Let me conclude by saying that if you want to learn Krita, you are at the right place. I am sure that in the near future, you would come across many useful Krita tutorials and tips, which would teach you a lot. Like this: Like Loading...

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